Facts of Skal Labissière
Full Name | Skal Labissière |
Skal Labissière is a Haitian professional basketball player. He is known best for playing for the Portland Trail Blazers of the National Basketball Association.
Skal Labissière's net worth
The net worth of Skal Labissière is estimated to be 4.1 million dollars. He has worked very hard and showed a high level of dedication to be where he is right now. The main source of income of Skal Labissière is his basketball career.
The estimated salary of Skal Labissière is $1,544,951. He is living a luxurious life. He is an animal lover and owns dogs as his pet.
He uploaded this one on his Instagram account on 12th February 2017. He has a picture of two pets on his Instagram account of his two beautiful pets.
He uploaded this video of playing golf on 17th August 2015. He is a class act and has hobbies of wealthy people.
He is wearing cool in his white t-shirt and black shorts.
He posted a picture on Instagram with a caption,
"Just chilling

He also likes to play golf in his leisure time. He posted a video on Instagram with a caption,
"Swing so nice
Skal Labissière's wiki
Skal Labissière was born on March 18, 1996. His current age is 23 years old, as of 2019. He was born in Port-au-Prince, which lies in Haiti. His nationality is Haitian. He attended Evangelical Christian School but later, he got transferred to Lausanne Collegiate School. He posted a picture of him graduating from Lausanne Collegiate School on May 25, 2015, in Instagram with a caption,
"I wouldn't trade

He attended the University of Kentucky, where he played college basketball. His game stats are available at the ESPN, www.basketball-reference.com, and others. He is a tall man with a height of 6 feet 11 inches that is 2.11 m. and weight of 107 kg.
When the tragedy hit Haiti in 2010, this brilliant basketball player with his mother and the younger brother was the victim of the massive earthquake. They were trapped for three hours when their house collapsed on them. During that time, Skal Labissière's legs were trapped, which caused them to go numb, leading him to be unable to walk for a few weeks. After a few months of the tragedy, he moved to Memphis, Tennessee, which lies in the United States. He lived there with Gerald Hamilton, who ran the Reach Your Dream Foundation.