Facts of Sal Governale
Sal Governale is an American actor, producer, comedian, radio personality, writer and former stockbroker. He is popularly known for “Howard Stern on Demand” (2005).
Married, Wife
Sal is married to his wife, Christine Governale.
The wedding of the couple took place on 1996 in the presence of their friends and family, He along with his life partner Christine has three children all are boys born on 1999, 2001 and 2003 respectively.

His youngest son Aaron made a presence in the studio where his father worked in 2016 for a spelling bee contest against Ronnie Mund.
At the studio his son made revelation that it is their mother is the one who is the in charge of the house and maintains discipline, but all the kids start to laugh when their father loses his temper.
There have been rumors several times about the couple getting divorced, but it has all been fake news, but the couple is very happily married and does not have the intention to split up.
There was also a rumor about Sal being gay and having an affair with Richard Christy.
The rumor started when they both made several appearances on “The Howard Stern Show” and the show more fun.
Because people liked their chemistry in the radio show rumor of Sal being gay surfaced. However, the rumors were not valid as Sal is pleased with his spouse Christine and Richard is a perfect friend of his.
Here is a picture of Sal and Richard shared on Instagram.
He lied about his college GPA
During The Howard Stern Show, Howard revealed Sal lied about his college GPA.
According to Howard, Sal claimed he had a 3.9 GPA in college but to know if his claim was right, he got a hold of his transcripts.
In 2020, Sal claimed that he received a 3.9 GPA in college before he dropped out.
He claimed that he was studying to be an X-Ray technologist, was a science major, and did anatomy and physics.
So Howard got in touch with the Suffolk Community College, the college which Sal attended, to find out the truth.
So the truth was that Sal enrolled at Suffolk Community College in the spring of 1989, where there were no classes taken in 1991, and he attended the college until the fall of 1992.
According to the college record, in the spring of 1989, Sal failed in two classes, which includes aerobic dancing and reading in the content areas.
In the fall of 1989, he only took only two classes and didn’t pass either of them.
He received a D+ in Anatomy and unsatisfactory in Algebra 1 and finished the semester with a 0.0-grade point average.
In the Spring of 1992, Sal buckled down and received a B+ in both the classes and the subjects he took were semester standard freshman composition and intro to psychology.
He managed to bring 3.5 for that semester. According to Sal’s transcript, he finished school with a 2.3 GPA. So it was a lie.
When asked about why he lied, Sal tried convincing them, asking if he would have continued like his final semesters, which was 3.5.
He added that he had proven that he pulled a 3.5, so he could do it, asking them to look at the track record where he went from 0 to 2.3 to 3.5.
Howard then asked what he would say if people asked him about his record, to which Sal replied non of your F***ing business would be his answer.
Howard stated the reason behind calling him out. It was like stolen valor because a 3.9 GPA meant he was a straight-A student.
Sal then said his last two-semester was 3.5, so he was off by only four. Robin added that nobody is asking you, but the whole thing has to be counted.
Howard again asked if he knew how long it would have taken him to graduate with only taking two classes a semester and also asked what was he planning to do?
Sal said he was planning his feet wet and that he was testing the waters one class at a time. To which Howard humorously added, You were testing the waters, and you drowned.
Net Worth
Sal has an estimated net worth of around $500 thousand.
He has an estimated salary of about $80 thousand annually. He earned most of his earnings from being writer and comedian on “the Howard Stern Show.”
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Here is the list of the top comedian and their net worth.
Comedian’s Name | Net Worth |
Jerry Seinfeld | $950 million |
Matt Groening | $500 million |
Trey Parker | $500 million |
Matt Stone | $500 million |
Ellen DeGeneres | $450 million |
Larry David | $400 million |
Bill Cosby | $400 million |
Byron Allen | $400 million |
David Letterman | $400 million |
Jay Leno | $350 million |
Sal, who is popularly known as “Sal the Stockbroker” started to make continues call-ins to make fun of Gary Dell’ Abate when he was a stockbroker in New York.
He participated in the contest “Win John’s Job” on the show and came in the second position and was hired as a writer for the show.
He is known for making prank calls and homoerotic show stunts. He is also known for his racial humor on the show however she denies being a racist.
There was also rumor of Sal being a con-artist who worked with a fly in a night company selling fake stocks to the people, but there is no evidence available which proved that these claims are valid.
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Sal was born on October 24, 1968, which makes him 50 years of age as of September 2019. He was born as Salvatore C. Governale in New York City, USA.
The information about his parents is not available.
His parents are Muslims whose ancestry is discovered as North Africa. When he was a teenager, he converted himself to Catholicism because he did not like his birth religion.
Sal worked on his father’s kabob shop while growing up where he used to butcher lambs in the alley.
This is a funny gig on Father’s Day about Sal’s father being present in the “The Howard Stern Show.”
In “The Howard Stern Show” Sal said that his father has another two daughters outside his family and coincidently the two girls share the same birthday with his two sisters’.
The video about it can be seen below.
Sal has three siblings, who are all sisters. He tweeted a picture of himself with his mother and sister.
Sal Governale with his mother and three sisters (Photo Source: twitter.com)
Sal has an average height of 5 feet 10 inches which is 1.78 meters.
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We provide much information about Sal as compared to other wiki sites.